Sit Down Shut up and Watch
Tutti Collective
Sit Down Shutup and Watch (SDSW) is a learning disability led collective which presents an international screen festival every two years. The festival features the work of learning disabled creators. SDSW also promotes skills development through workshops and online resources.

Sit Down Shutup and Watch’s Vision is to live in a world where learning disabled people achieve their creative dreams and screen their work in Times Square, on iPhones and on every screen in between.
The SDSW Committee is made up of filmmakers and artists with learning disability:
Sara Egarr – Chair
Lee Witczak
Lorcan Hopper
James Kurtze
Tyson Pienaar
Katie Rose
Matthew Wauchope
Josh Wheeler
2024’s Festival will be the sixth festival the Committee has presented!
The inaugural SDSW festival was held in 2014 in Angaston, South Australia.
Suzanne Merrall, SDSW Coordinator Phone 8166 6430 Email Suzanne
2024 Sit Down Shutup and Watch Screen Festival
Some of the world’s most interesting and emotionally intelligent creators of short format screen content will take you on an emotional rollercoaster at this year’s Sit Down Shutup and Watch Screen Festival. Dubbed ‘the Feel Festival’ by the SDSW Committee, this 10-day festival features online film screenings and two free live events with something for everyone. Follow Sit Down Shutup and Watch on Facebook to catch the online screenings, or book your free ticket to a live event in Brighton or the Barossa.
The 2024 Sit Down Shutup and Watch Screen Festival is supported by Arts South Australia.