Tutti Arts

COVID-19 update, 27 July


South Australia’s lockdown will end at midnight Tuesday 27 July.

Most programs will be returning to face-to-face delivery from Wednesday 28 July onwards. But Poco Tutti choir and Club Tutti will be cancelled this coming week and some programs will need to be held online because singing is still a restricted activity. All program details are listed below.


Programs that will be held face-to-face:

  • Intro to Visual Arts at Brighton
  • Film & New Media at Brighton
  • Cooking at Brighton – one-on-one sessions only, as have been arranged with participants

Visual Arts in the Barossa is planned to be held face-to-face but we are waiting for confirmation from the venue. Participants will be contacted today to confirm.

Programs that will be held online through Zoom:

  • Radio Tutti
  • Wednesday Afternoon Music Crew (WAM)
  • Youth Choir
  • Tutti Choir

Tutti staff will email the Zoom link to participants in the above programs.

Programs that will be cancelled this week:

  • Poco Tutti choir (cancelled for Wednesday 28 July)


All Thursday programs will be held face-to-face:

  • Visual Arts at Brighton
  • Performing Arts – Theatre at Brighton
  • The Sisters of Invention at Brighton
  • AT This Place at Brighton


Friday programs that will be held face-to-face:

  • Visual Arts at Brighton
  • Performing Arts – Theatre at Brighton
  • Music – TGIF at Brighton

Programs that will NOT be held this week:

  • Barossa Film Club (not scheduled this week)


All Saturday programs will be held face-to-face:

  • Tutti Kids & Youth (TKY) Music & Drama at Brighton
  • Tutti Kids & Youth (TKY) Visual Arts at Brighton

TKY programs will also be available this Saturday via Zoom for those who want to attend online. Staff will email participants the Zoom link.


Programs that will be held face-to-face:

  • Visual Arts at Brighton
  • Visual Arts at Port Adelaide
  • Visual Arts in the Barossa
  • Film & New Media at Brighton
  • Music – Quirkestra at Brighton
  • Company AT at Brighton

Programs that will be cancelled next week:

  • Club Tutti at Brighton (cancelled for Monday 2 August)


Programs that will be held face-to-face:

  • Visual Arts at Brighton
  • Visual Arts at Port Adelaide
  • Dance at Brighton
  • Radio Tutti at Brighton

Programs that will NOT be held next week:

  • The Gathering Wave choir (still on mid-year break)


It is really important that all artists, staff and visitors stay home if they are not well or have any symptoms.

Please remember to check-in when you arrive at Tutti. Staff will be checking temperatures of artists and visitors on arrival.

Tutti staff and visitors will be wearing masks. Tutti artists are encouraged to wear masks but are not required to if they are unable to for any reason.

Please check the current COVID-19 exposure sites and, if you were there at the listed day and time, follow the instructions on the SA Health website. To view the exposure sites and instructions, click on the following link: SA Health Exposure Sites information.